STARKVILLE, Miss. – An associate professor of industrial engineering in the Bagley College of Engineering has assumed a leadership role in a worldwide professional organization. Sandra Eksioglu has been chosen…
Congratulations to Sandra, Lesley, and Hugh on their award associated with the cross-college grant program. • Sandra Eksioglu, industrial and systems engineering, “Year 2: Energy Institute Working Group.” • Lesley…
STARKVILLE, Miss. – After completing his first semester in the Bagley College of Engineering, an assistant professor in the industrial and systems engineering department has big plans for his first…
In June, Dr. Allen Greenwood, P.E., Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering was the invited keynote speaker and simulation project judge at the 4th Annual “Logistics Gala,” at Poznan Institute…
Congratulations to Kari for being one of sixteen Mississippi State faculty members selected for the competitive 2013-2014 Hugh Critz Faculty Leadership Program.
Dr. Lesley Strawderman was awarded the first Bagley College of Engineering Online Education Award
Lesley Strawderman was selected to take part in the National Academy of Engineering’s fourth Frontiers of Engineering Education (FOEE) symposium to be held Oct. 14-17 in Irvine, CA. The program…
Dr. Sandra Eksioglu was selected to receive a Bagley College of Engineering Hearin Faculty Excellence Award. This award recognizes outstanding contributions of both academic and research faculty with an emphasis…
Beginning with this semester, Dr. Lesley Strawderman will be serving as the Undergraduate Coordinator for the department and Dr. Kari Babski-Reeves will be serving as the Graduate Coordinator.
Dr. Burak Eksioglu, Associate Professor of Industrial and System Engineering, has been awarded a $3.5M grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) to establish a Tier 1 University Transportation…