News - Industrial & Systems Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering - Page 14

Dr. Lesley Strawderman awarded Diplomate status in the Society for Health Systems

Congratulations to Dr. Lesley Strawderman for being awarded Diplomate status in the Society for Health Systems (SHS). Diplomate status provides professional credentialing, and recognizes SHS members for significant contributions to…

January 28, 2014

Eksioglu elected vice chair of railway application section of INFORMS

STARKVILLE, Miss. – An associate professor of industrial engineering in the Bagley College of Engineering has assumed a leadership role in a worldwide professional organization. Sandra Eksioglu has been chosen…

December 5, 2013

Congratulations to Sandra, Lesley, and Hugh on their cross-college grant awards

Congratulations to Sandra, Lesley, and Hugh on their award associated with the cross-college grant program. • Sandra Eksioglu, industrial and systems engineering, “Year 2: Energy Institute Working Group.” • Lesley…

December 4, 2013

Bian joins ISE faculty

STARKVILLE, Miss. – After completing his first semester in the Bagley College of Engineering, an assistant professor in the industrial and systems engineering department has big plans for his first…

November 17, 2013

Dr. Allen Greenwood served as Judge and Keynote Speaker at International Logistics Event

In June, Dr. Allen Greenwood, P.E., Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering was the invited keynote speaker and simulation project judge at the 4th Annual “Logistics Gala,” at Poznan Institute…

August 14, 2013

Dr. Kari Babski-Reeves selected for Hugh Critz Faculty Leadership Program

Congratulations to Kari for being one of sixteen Mississippi State faculty members selected for the competitive 2013-2014 Hugh Critz Faculty Leadership Program.

July 11, 2013

ISE student, Eric Hill, co-founder of new company, SportSnax

May 15, 2013

Three ISE Seniors receive BCoE Hall of Fame Awards

May 13, 2013

Dr. Strawderman receives award for Excellence in Online Teaching

Dr. Lesley Strawderman was awarded the first Bagley College of Engineering Online Education Award

May 9, 2013

ISE Celebrating 50th Anniversary on Super Bulldog Weekend

ISE is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year.  We invite you to complete a short survey updating us on your location and if you may be able to attend the…

September 20, 2012