Scholarship - Industrial & Systems Engineering - Bagley College of Engineering

Mississippi Automotive Manufacturers Association (MAMA) Announces 2022-2023 Scholarship Winners – Five MSU Students Included in Winners

August 30, 2022

MSU awards prestigious Provost Scholarships, 9 out of 13 chosen are BCoE students

February 24, 2022

2019 ISE Spring Newsletter

May 16, 2019

ISE graduate students receive Best Student Paper Award for IIE Annual Conference

A conference paper entitled “Identification of External Design Preferences in Autonomous Vehicles” by ISE graduate students Shuchisnigdha Deb, Sushil Poudel, and Suyogya Bhandari was selected to receive the IIE SEMS Best Student…

May 12, 2016

New NSF Scholarship program in Industrial Engineering

September 8, 2015

Md. Mahmudur Rahman awarded Liberty Mutual Fellowship

Md. Mahmudur Rahman (ISE PhD student) was selected as one of only two nationally awarded Liberty Mutual Fellows for 2015. The fellowship provides him the opportunity to work this summer…

March 31, 2015

ISE Senior Wins National Honor Society Scholarship

Mary “Ginny” Sewall, a senior in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, has earned a scholarship for the 2011-12 academic year from the world’s largest engineering honor society, Tau…

April 13, 2011

ISE Student Wins National Honor Society Scholarship

Congratulations to ISE senior Josie Smith. She competed nationally to receive one of nine scholarships from the industrial engineering honor society Alpha Pi Mu. Josie was also recently inducted into…

March 13, 2008

SE Grad Student Receives SMART Scholarship

Jackson Rice, an ISE graduate student advised by Dr. Burak Eksioglu, is the recipient of the Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) scholarship from the Department of Defense. Jackson…

September 17, 2007