Eghbal Rashidi (ISE PhD Student) received the “Judith Liebman” award from the INFORMS society. This award was established to recognize outstanding student volunteers who have been “moving spirits” in their universities, their student chapters, and the Institute.
Dr. Kari Babski-Reeves was elected to serve as a Director to the Board of Certified Professional Engineers (BCPE – ). BCPE provides ergonomics certification to protect the public, the profession, and its professionals by assuring standards of competency and advocating the value of certification. They develop and administer the tests, and certify individuals for the designations of Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE), Certified Human Factors Professional (CHFP), and Certified User Experience Professional (CUXP). They also oversee the associate designations for these levels as well. Serving a 3-year term, the directors assist the president with forging new directions for BCPE, identifying and testing applications in core competencies, and communicating ergonomics related issues throughout the world using various means.
Charles Cascio was recognized as one of the 2015 BCoE Distinguished Fellows. Charles is the Manager of Business Development at the Baxter Healthcare, Cleveland, Mississippi manufacturing location. He received his BS in Industrial Engineering from Mississippi State University in 1979 and Masters in Business Administration from Delta State University in 1987. For over 35 years, he has worked with a talented group of colleagues to implement and provide life-saving medical products worldwide.
Md. Mahmudur Rahman (ISE PhD student) was selected as one of only two nationally awarded Liberty Mutual Fellows for 2015. The fellowship provides him the opportunity to work this summer at the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety. Mahmud will conduct research related to transportation safety and driver assistance systems.
Paul Babin (PhD Student) and Dr. Allen Greenwood received an Honorable mention for their paper “Applying Variance Performance Measures for Variable Service-Rate Queueing Simulation Models,” at the Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Society (IEOM) Conference in Dubai, UAE, March 2015.